Thursday, May 21, 2009

Another Beautiful Day in Limbo

Hi All,
I haven't been feeling very verbose these past few days, so please forgive me. We found a house and will hopefully finalize the deal tomorrow. Then, it'll by another 7-10 days before we can actually move in. The house is nice but needs a little work, hence the wait (and lack of photos.) The best part is that I'll be able to walk Karim to school- assuming I don't have any trouble signing him up tomorrow at Ecole Alliance for the summer and the school year. There are still a lot of unknowns, which make right now a bit tough. No house, no school, no stuff or friends yet. Things should smoothe out soon though. 

Karim is going to art school at Petits Pas tomorrow just for a month or so until Alliance's summer program starts. The poor kid is pretty bored, so I think it'll be good for him. He'll meet people and learn French, which will make everything else easier for him. He still misses Portland and talks about friends and family there almost daily. This afternoon though, he had a wonderful time dumping water in the sand at Cocochouland (a glorius private playground with bissap juice and disney characters on the walls!) with lots of little French kids. When the water was cut off due to the huge puddle they'd made, one little French girl shouted "On doit manifester!" so they started chanting "On veut de l'eau, On veut de l'eau!" until they were allowed more water. Even at five, they already know how to organize an effective strike. Gotta love 'em! Luckily I had a change of clothes for K, since he was down to his undies by the end of it. Love you all. 


  1. OMG, just imagine that little French girl when she doesn't get her chocolate croissant! I love it! Congratulations on finding a house--I'm sure it is hard to wait but it must feel good to at least have a place picked out and in the works... I love the image of you and K walking down some warm, tree-lined street on your way to school, complete with a wee little backpack and cap for him. Miss you lots..."On va washez les dishes! On va washez les dishes!" A bien tot!

  2. Hello I manage the only website In english about Niger you can ready daily Niger news
    By the way I am also emailing you photos of a house in Kouara Kouano in case you want to consider it

  3. Hi guys!
    That's exciting about the house! Keep us posted!

    ohhh - and post some pics! :)

  4. Hey Cam Fam, being within walking distance sounds wonderful, saves having to convince a taxi to pick you up on a hot street corner. Do the women have to wear coverings there? Give Karim and Cheikh a big squeeze from me. Dad
