Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Twitchy, but Healthy

Hello All,

Yes, we are alive, well, and still in Niamey. The holidays hit us all pretty hard. Without our friends, we would have been despondent, but we are recovered and ready to tackle 2010 with whatever it may bring. This morning, new running chip in hand (or on foot, rather) I set off into the bright, windy morning. Asthma has been creeping up on me pretty brutally for the last few months since the wind started and unfortunately, today wasn't much better. Guess it wasn't all in my head after all. However, the joy of the run did overrun the discomfort and I had a wonderful three miles through sand, around parked cars- almost got hit by a moto, again- and through wet cement. Yes, oops, I did run through wet cement. No camels today and just the occasional goat. Funny how things that once seemed so foreign can become so everyday. I used to marvel about that in Kouna too- I guess it's true that "wherever you go, there you are." Sooner or later, the wonder fades and life resumes, with more occasional moments of glory.

So far, 2010 is off to a wonderful start. We are running and spending most weekday evenings playing soccer at the stadium or working out in the gym. Perhaps a few too many Belgian waffle mornings or cake with whipped cream and papaya evenings, but life is uncertain, eh? No more so, than here. The political situation seems to have calmed down at least on the level of the population. I'm sure the battle of rhetoric still rages in the halls of congress, but the average Nigerien just wants to work, eat and keep it all together. Don't we all? Car jackings and kidnappings still occur on the highways, but that's more a function of open empty road and not enough manpower or will to patrol/secure them. Mostly the US and European sanctions are hurting development work. It's a little scary to see what the effects will be of so much money not flowing into Niger, where more than 60% of the GDP comes from foreign aid. I guess it's a wait and see situation.

Anyway, Karim is happy to be back in school. He lives to play with his three best buddies- two school friends, Ron and Yann and our little buddy BJ from Petits Pas. Often, he comes home with paint on his fingers and smudges on his forehead. How does he get paint on his forehead? The older he gets, the funnier the things are that come out of his mouth.
Sample conversation from yesterday:
K: I was little in Portland.
Me: Yeah, I guess you were. Are you bigger in Niamey?
K: Yes, I was your baby in Portland and now I'm a big boy. When we move somewhere else, I'll be a bigger boy.
Me: Do you think if we'd stayed in Portland you'd still be a baby?
K: No . . . I don't know.
Me: If we stay in Niamey for a long time, will you grow into a bigger boy?
K: No, we need to move so I can be a bigger boy and get a red bike.

That's all for now. Gotta go get the munchkin from school.
Love and Peace to All